The pushaway drill is used to help create a consistent approach.
Step 1
Place the ball in front of the shoulder with your elbow at your side. This will form a 90 degree angle between the shoulder, elbow and hand. The hand should be directly under the ball with the non-ball-side hand under the ball for support.
After setting-up, take one natural step with the slide foot without moving the ball. A natural first step is the best practice for consistency.
Step 2
Remember to push in the second step. Push out and down as you take your second step in the drill. Your goal is to get the elbow to intersect with the knee and let the ball enter into the swing. Notice the arm is not fully extended.
Step 3
With this drill, you want to emphasize a free swing. Let the ball, with the aid of gravity swing naturally. If you feel yourself pulling, try closing your eyes throughout the entire drill. Closing your eyes will accomplish two things: (1) relax your body; and (2) allow you to “feel” whether you are pulling the ball up or down in the swing.
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